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How to SMP (SMP Servers)
Started by Jonpatty

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26 Aug 2020
Last Seen
19 Apr 2024

Hello players,

This page is here to teach you how to claim land on all our SMP servers, it works the same on all of them unless we state in the announcement.

Commands you will need to know:

/kit claimshovel - This kit gives you a golden shovel named Claim Shovel this tool can be used to claim land which we will go over later on in this post.

/unclaim - This removes your claim(s) to remove a specific claim, stand in that claim you want to remove and do the command, if you wish to unclaim everything, stand outside of all the claims and do the command, WARNING this means EVERYONE can destroy your builds and take your loot, in some cases we may roll back but we CANNOT guarantee it depending on the situation.

/trust (Player name) - This grants the player access to build/break blocks on your claim, open chests and open doors, if you get griefed by a trusted player we WILL rollback your builds and give the correct punishments.

/untrust (Player name) - This removes a players access to building in your claim. This also includes using chests, harming animals and using doors.

/containtrust (Player name) - This grants the player access to your chests, be careful as we WILL NOT restore stolen items, use /untrust to remove them from /containertrust

/accesstrust (Player name) - This grants the player access to using your doors, buttons, levers and harming animals. use /untrust to remove this access.

/ignore (Player name) - This blocks a message from a specific player that is annoying you, they also can't see your messages you send too, staff are IMMUNE to this command, so do not try!

/trustlist - Shows a list of trusted players in a claim, stand in the claim you wish to see which players have access to what.

How to view where your claims are:

/Claimlist will show a list of your claims with the coordinates too, if you died and didn't set a home, contact a staff member from our amazing team and they can get you back to your claim, just be sure to /msg (staff username) the coordinates so they can fly there for you!

How to claim land:

/kit claimshovel will give you a golden shovel named Claim Shovel right click a block you wish to be one corner, then go to the opposite corner and right click that block to make a box, once you have done that it should show glowstone and gold blocks as the outline, if you wish to extend, go to one corner of your claim, right click it and walk out, same can be done for making it smaller too.

Want to view how big your claim is?
Use a stick and right click where your claim is, it will show a border just like this:Claim Borders

When do my claims expire?

If you have not purchased claim blocks, they will expire after 60 days of inactivity, if you have purchased at least 2000 claim blocks, it is protected for the lifetime of the server.


How do I purchase claim blocks?

Do /crystals store, a menu will pop up, click the (server name) items page, then select one of the golden shovels, if you don't have the crystals, you can buy some or earn them free from /kit hourly in crystals crates!

Buy crystals at: DezoCraft | Crystals

Jonpatty · over 2 years ago