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Dezo Adventures Release Date (24.09.21
Started by v_ito



12 Sep 2021
Last Seen
01 Dec 2021

Dezo Adventures Season 1: A New World

"Ever since I was rescued by the 10 in the void world, my life has changed completely, I am stuck in this new world, but I got my friends around me still from our original home, this is our cry for help, restore peace to this world as I feel things will get chaotic soon." - Emma


- Claims in Overworld and Nether

- Themed seasons to progress the storyline

- Events that can get you better gear

- Nerfed Kits for fair advantages

- PVP On outside of claims

- New sets added throughout seasons by doing certain tasks

- Emma's Explorer Set, mine copper ore for copper fragments to trade in the villager at /spawn

- /kit hourly enabled

- 30K Border in all worlds (Could be extended each season!)

Patty/Moss Club

Patty+/Emerald Moss and up can get in 1 hour early, just leave your username in the Patty+ chat!

Dezo Adventures opens to all players 12pm BST(24.09.21)


v_ito · over 2 years ago · Last edited: over 2 years ago